Interested in helping?

Are you curious about ways you can help our #28PagesLater project work, without necessarily being interested in joining the Comics Industry Collective? Perfect! We have a very specific need for something right now only as it pertains to the map!

Mar 31, 2020— by Leah Williams

Do you see all those countries on the map without a single map marker on them? Well, they're not empty because there are no comic shops there--these are our informational blind spots. You can see the countries where we're from, because these areas of the map are the most heavily-populated as a result of being more accessible to us. But we suspect there're a lot of shops offering quarantine-adaptive services in places we can't reach because of language barriers, or who knows how many shops just don't use social media and have no idea this is being set up for them! 

International friends, especially--we'd love for you to tackle some local shop outreach on our behalf! And anyone, if you see a suspiciously empty spot on the map but know a shop is there and doing curbside pickup, please let us know!

This is our first blog post, but keep checking this space for more important announcements, action items, and resource updates!


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